Tutorial sprint layout 5.0
Tutorial sprint layout 5.0

I have also used Proteous in the past and although relatively good, I really dislike the menu structure and indeed it takes time to become familiar with the basic steps, but it does seem powerful and for the higher packages more powerful than DS3. removing going through the gerber and drill file generation steps. PCB-Pool were also good accepting the DS3 native files directly, i.e. There are good tutorials and videos available to speed up the initial learning steps. Some users criticise the library content, but I found it easy to produce the components I required such as a SIL DC-DC converter package.

tutorial sprint layout 5.0

I found DS3 was very good once I had passed the normal learning curve entry point. Everything worked first time, which was very pleasing at it was my first surface mount board layout. I have just completed my Design Sparks V3 PCB layout which I had manufactured by PCB-Pool. There is something that put me off from using the product. It maybe better now, so not sure if worth trying it again or not? Overall Proteus is a great package, but support is not as good as Matrix.Ībout 4ish years ago I tried Eagle, but was not impressed. It looks like you need to move cursor un till snap looks about centre. Unless you can, but I can’t see how?Īlso I could not see a way to use a key to snap to centre of a selected object. The only disadvantages are if there is a group of tracks and I would like to change them all to say T40 then even though the group maybe selected you can only change one track at a time. If imperial measurements are up you can ether change to metric, or type 5.08mm. What I have found useful for creating new PCB objects is place cursor in the centre of a pad, using O to set cursor to 0, 0 then if I need a pad that’s has to be exactly 5.08 mm to the right then right click on the new pad select Move to and just enter 0 for Y and 5.08 for X Thanks for your reply’s I have found them useful and interesting.

Tutorial sprint layout 5.0 free#

The free version of eagle has a design limit tho on the size of the pcb's which has just recantly caught me outĭesign spark the gui is very simaler to eagle although the libarys are not interchangable and the output file pcb size is huge ! in the free version There is quite a large online libary of symbols but bbe carefull of those Making your own symbol not too bad after watching you tube again.

tutorial sprint layout 5.0

Some good stuff on you tube tho to help you get working. Using eagle free version at the moment, have found the online forums quite helpfull although the in built tutorials are not very helpfull

tutorial sprint layout 5.0

Not easy and the rats nest tool is very difficult. There are better systems out there in my view the symbol libary as standard is limited, cerating symbols is I used it back in 1998 & it hasn't changed much since. Vutrax is not the best & not intuitive in any way.

Tutorial sprint layout 5.0